Friday, January 28, 2011

Detox Day Thirteen

The good...
I had a wonderful strawberry, banana, peach smoothie with protein powder for breakfast! Did I mention it was wonderful! The magic bullet hasn't lost its magic after all these years...

The bad...
The day was busy, with a homegoing service for one of our dear members and catch-up work to do at the church. Needless to say, I did not eat my (healthy and detox friendly) lunch until after 3 p.m. while sitting in my car. Car eating, for me, is usually a sign that I am moving too fast and not taking enough time to eat.

The ugly...
Perhaps it was the haste of the day, or perhaps my emotions got the best of me, but my early dinner was nowhere near healthy and was certainly not on my list of approved detox foods. I had a salad in my bag, but instead of heating my field greens, I had a chicken patty and coco bread. The truth is, Ms. Jeanette's death had me feeling out of sorts. Her homegoing, while beautiful, was difficult. I have another memorial service in the morning. Ministering in congregational life has meant facing death more often than I imagined. In my head I knew it, but death isn't an intellectual thing. It's a heart thing...and my heavy heart needed some comfort that a salad could not provide. I could have said no to the patty and bread, but I didn't want to.

The better...
The day wasn't a wash. I'm in too deep for that to happen. I feel too good for that to happen. Getting on the scale this morning and seeing a 5lb loss was encouraging. Even with my slip-up, I stayed close to my calorie limit and I was quite active today (even though I did not exercise). even though I was offered Hawaiian Punch and Pepsi (two of my faves), I declined and drank water instead. I am looking forward to finishing tomorrow with a bang, getting a handle on my emotional eating, and taking off the remaining weight that I need to shed.

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