Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Sharing Our Stories, Imago Dei & Being the Church

I was looking for something to write today. I am committed to posting twice a week, but this morning I found myself unsure about what I would write. There were no burning questions, no pressing issues, no challenges. There are joys, of course, but I'm not the woman who takes to my blog to brag about my wonderful hubby and blossoming baby girl. My life is in a business as usual kind of flow (a good thing). The same cannot be said for everyone.

After eating breakfast, when I should have been blogging, I logged on to Facebook and saw a post from a friend. Her post touched my soul, and immediately I shared it on my timeline. Upon sharing it, she messaged me to say express her appreciation. It was then that I realized that today is the day to share her story. God wants me to share her story.

Tejai Beulah is a doctoral student at the Theological School at Drew University. Our paths did not cross while I was at Drew, but God used my best friend, a doctoral student at Vanderbuilt University, to connect us. Our encounters have been few, but full. Tejai has a way of making you laugh, recognizing your gifts, engaging your intellect, and nurturing your soul. In essence, Tejai participates in God's presence and engaged me as Imago Dei, even when I was in my new mother fog and not feeling like I was remotely created in the image of God.

As Imago Dei, those created in the image and likeness of God, it is of paramount importance that we reflect God's love, God's grace, and God's generosity. I am reminded of the First Century Church who gave of themselves to assure that all in the fellowship were cared for:

"Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common, and sold their possessions and goods, and divided them among all, as anyone had need" 
(Acts 2:44-45 NIV).

Beloved, please visit Tejai's page. There she tells her full story. After you've read it, please consider opening up your heart and your wallet. This is how we express ourselves as the church.

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