Thursday, July 14, 2011

Think on These Things...

A quotation from my latest read, Anonymous: Jesus' Hidden Years and Yours by Alicia Britt Chloe...
Life does not sleep—though in winter she retracts all advertisement. And when she does so, she is conserving and preparing for the future. And so it is with us. Seasonally, we too are stripped of visible fruit. Our giftings are hidden; our abilities are underestimated. When previous successes fade and current efforts falter, we can easily mistake our fruitlessness for failure. But such is the rhythm of spiritual life: new growth, fruitfulness, transition, rest . . . new growth, fruitfulness, transition, rest. Abundance may make us feel more productive, but perhaps emptiness has greater power to strengthen our souls.

- Posted using BlogPress on the fiercest device ever...the iPad!!!

1 comment:

  1. It's about time i had something to read, I like the quotation.
