Saturday, January 22, 2011

Detox Day Seven

As you know from previous posts, I do, in fact, know the comparative form and superlative form of the word "good." The headings on today's blog are written in honor of one of hubby's grade school colleagues. Besides, when you read the posting, you'll see that todays headings are clearly more appropriate than the proper grammatical forms. Hopefully, as I continue this detox, these headings will prevail...

The good...
I woke up at 6:15 to get ready for my 8:00 a.m. meeting in NY. I didn't grumble or groan, I didn't hit the snooze button on my alarm clock, I rolled out of bed, declared in my heart, This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it and kept it moving! In the prophetic words of Soul II Soul, "Keep on moving, don't stop..."

The gooder...
I cannot tell you the last time, or any time, that I have gone to the diner, any diner, and NOT had a hot chocolate with whipped cream. I love me some hot chocolate. But this morning, I sat around the table with ministers who I have never, ever, ever, ever seen drinking hot chocolate each order a hot chocolate. Hmph. Imagine the strength it took to order a mint tea AND not add sugar. Help me, Holy Ghost. I did it, and I enjoyed my tea. It is amazing all of the good things that you love that you forget about when you are pumping sugar into your system.

The goodest...
We went to a baby shower for a good friend of mine today. They had lots of goodies, but I stuck with the crudités and a salad. I was quite proud of myself for resisting, especially as hubby ranted and raved about the meatballs.

Can it get any better...
In terms of food, I fell of the wagon, but for good reason. I stayed close to my recommended calorie intake and I did not overstuff myself, however I did have some foods with a few ingredients that are off limits...cod fish spring rolls, jerk chicken quesedilla, and carrot cake. It was all with good reason...hubby and I went on a double date with my parents to a hole in the wall Jamaican spot in Mount Vernon--Ripe--that has delectable foods. Double date...Cute, right? In thought so and I didn't want to be the sour puss who made a fuss over food. On a good detox note, I did have the jerk chicken salad with vinaigrette dressing as my main course.

- Posted using BlogPress on the fiercest device ever...the iPad!!!

1 comment:

  1. WOOT WOOT!!Congrats on making it to day seven!! I'm going to start praying for willpower like yours. I would've caved days ago on this detox.
