It has been calling my name all week. Up until this morning I had been ignoring its call. Seriously, it is virtually freezing out!
But today I could resist no longer. It was insane, but I put on my bathing suit and made my way down to the pool. Without a doubt, it was pure foolishness. I must tell you that I had layers upon layers on top of my bathing suit: long sleeved tee, long pants, sweatshirt, shawl. When I waled outside the pool staff (all bundled up in jackets and hovering around one another) looked at me with disbelief. One guy noticed my handy-dandy googles in my hand. It was clear to him that I was serious about getting my swim on. So he assured me that while it was only about 50º in the atmosphere, it was a toasty 77º in the pool.
As I lapped around the pool all I kept saying (aloud and to myself) was, "This is INSANE!" Despite the insanity, I kept swimming. And surprisingly it felt good. The water was not warm, but bearable. More than that, it felt good to do something INSANE. I mean, honestly, I'm so straightlaced and put together. This was the wackiest thing I've done in a looooooong time and I am glad I did it!
For the record, hubby thinks I'm insane...but that's nothing new!
Rev you are extreamly insane who do you think you a polar bear, you thinking about being the only black polar bear in the club, i see your getting your practice on