I need fiber for my flow/a regular rhythm for my writing. I mean I write daily, but never in the places I deem important. I write entries in my checkbook when I've used my debit card, but they are hardly profound or life changing. I write journals in the morning, letting the mundane and an occasional dream live on paper so I can get on with my day. I write notes in class. Well, really, I type them. Who writes notes anymore? Whatever form they take, they seldom have instant impact. (Though I cannot deny their lasting influence.) I write poems in my head that refresh/revive/challenge me that never make it on to paper or word document. I write/preach sermons in my head, too, mostly before going to sleep or in the shower. Remembering head writing is not a strength of mine, so I have to be content with knowing that it was good word, even if I cannot prove it to others.
I'm writing now. NOW. And sufficient for today are the writings of today, tomorrow will have writings of its own.
Isn't it funny though how the mundane are actually important?